Penno, M. R.White, E. G.2010-01-132010-01-131988-071-86931-035-70112-0875 is a user-friendly computer program to generate the changing appearance of a system as an observer changes the viewing criteria. The criteria are measured by time and space scales and the range of scales is determined by the interests of the user. These interests may apply to any organised system but FOCUS has been documented in the context of resource studies. In that context, the controlling structure and functioning of a managed resource system might be compared over long and short terms and over local and regional areas. The program further permits a comparison of alternative system regimes, such as current and future management prospects, and is used to identify local subsystems. White (1988) gives an illustrated summary of theory and program application in the companion text to this manual. Some elements only are included in the manual and in the documented printout of each FOCUS analysis. Analyses are based on aspects of hierarchy theory and the user is referred to Allen and Starr (1982) and O'Neill (1986). Program control acts through a menu of options which is re-displayed after each task has been performed. There are 11 numbered options in the main menu. To choose an option the corresponding number should be typed and the carriage return key « RETURN» pressed. If the number entered was not a valid input an error message will be displayed.enCopyright © Centre for Resource Management.FOCUScomputer program languageuser manualFOCUS: a computer program for analysing systems : user manual and guideMonographMarsden::300803 Natural resources managementMarsden::291600 Computer Software