Saunders, CarolineGuenther, MeikeSaunders, JohnTait, Peter2013-04-152012-05-13Saunders, C. M., Tait, P. R., Guenther M., Saunders, J. T. (2012) Questionnaire design. Presentation at the European Union Centres Graduate Workshop, 11 -13 May, 2012, Kaikoura methodology is the study of sampling of individuals from a population with the goal of making statistical inference about that population. A survey that measures an entire target population is called a Census. A survey can refer to many different types or techniques of observation, but in context of survey sampling it most often involves a questionnaire. Surveys are conducted in numerous research fields including: marketing, psychology, political economy, sociology, economics and more. Surveys elicit information such as: preferences and attitudes (e.g. type of car), behaviour (e.g. how often you eat fruit), or factual information (e.g. income). Questionnaire design is a crucial stage in the survey research process.pp.1-22enCopyright © The Authors.researchquestionnaire designsurvey methodologyQuestionnaire DesignConference Contribution - unpublishedANZSRC::2005 Literary Studies