Platt, IGWoodhead, IRichards, SDTan, AHagedorn, MHerrington, PCook, S2018-05-182014-092156-8065VK3AX (isidoc) paper describes an empirical transform between the propagation time (tp) data obtained from a non invasive Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) sensor to the percentage moisture content θv within two different road making basecourse aggregate material. Results show that a simple quadratic fit between tp and θv can be given leading to a maximum error in the estimate of 0.55%. It is also shown that the dielectric model underlying each of the basecourses is different enough to warrant the use of a unique quadratic function (i.e. different quadratic coefficients) for each.pp.609-613en© The authors.componentTDRroadbasecoursedielectricmoisture contentTime domain reflectometry measurements of road basecourse moisture contentConference Contribution - published2156-8073