Savage, ORennie, Hamish2024-01-162024-01-162023-07Savage, O., & Rennie, H. (2023). Canterbury Coastal Beach User Survey – 2020-2021 Summer . LEaP Research Report, 64. 1-49.978-0-86476-488-11172-0859 800km of coastline in the Canterbury region provides multiple locations for coastal recreation for both land- and water-based activities, as well as different types of coastal environments which differ greatly in characteristics (Environment Canterbury, n.d). The coastline varies from sandy urban beaches close to main centres to more remote, stony and undeveloped beaches that attract different recreational users, ranging from occasional tourist visitors to local daily users. The different values held by recreational users are important for coastal planners and managers. Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury (ECan)) is reviewing its regional coastal planning frameworks, including its Regional Policy Statement and Regional Coastal Environment Plan. To better inform this process the Council supported the research reported here through a student scholarship at Lincoln University to survey beach user values and issues over the summer of 2020/2021.pp.1-49, 49 pages© LEaP, Lincoln University, New Zealand 2020beach surveycoastal recreationCovid-19marine reservesCanterbury coastal beach user survey – 2020-2021 summerReport1172-0891978-0-86476-489-8ANZSRC::440608 Recreation, leisure and tourism geographyANZSRC::350805 Tourism resource appraisalANZSRC::410404 Environmental management