Watson, Norman W2021-05-132021-05-131979https://hdl.handle.net/10182/13790Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve affords itself well to interpretative facilities which can be designed to provide access for everyone, particularly the handicapped. This dissertation looks at the need for such facilities and assesses the interpretative potential of the reserve and describes an Interpretation Plan. It is hoped some of the findings will be included in the management plan for the reserve and the arguments presented are persuasive enough to bring some actuality to the ideas presented in this document.68, xx pagesenhttps://researcharchive.lincoln.ac.nz/pages/rightsnational parksKaituna Valley Scenic Reserverecreational facilitiesbarrier free designKaituna Valley Scenic Reserve : An interpretation plan looking specifically at the needs of the physically handicapped : A requirement for the completion of the Diploma of Parks and Recreation, Lincoln CollegeDissertationDigital thesis can be viewed by current staff and students of Lincoln University only. If you are the author of this item, please contact us if you wish to discuss making the full text publicly available.ANZSRC::120504 Land Use and Environmental PlanningANZSRC::120508 Urban DesignQ112840522