Anderson, PeterCoumbe, RachaelDickey, MirandaGould, JoJohnson, SimonSweeney, AnnetteNelson, PennyWilliams, Euan2023-07-052023-07-051996 section 35(2)(a) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), district councils are required to monitor the state of their environment. At present, there is a lack of clarity as to how to interpret and fulfil this requirement. Early in 1996, a staff member from the Kaikoura District Council (KOC) approached the Department of Resource Management at Lincoln University with a proposal for a group research project to clarify how the Council could best meet its monitoring obligations. A group of eight students undertook this task and produced this report recommending a process for KOC to follow to develop a state of the environment (SOE) monitoring,en Management ActKaikoura District Councilenvironment monitoring strategyState of the environment monitoring: A process to assist Kaikoura District Council meet its obligations under the Resource Management Act: RESM 664 group case studyDissertationDigital thesis can be viewed by current staff and students of Lincoln University only. If you are the author of this item, please contact us if you wish to discuss making the full text publicly available.ANZSRC::410402 Environmental assessment and monitoringANZSRC::410404 Environmental management