Wu, JRidgway, HCarpenter, MGlare, Travis2010-04-262008Wu, J., Ridgway, H. J., Carpenter, M. A., & Glare, T. R. (2008). Identification of novel genes associated with conidiation in Beauveria bassiana with suppression subtractive hybridization. Mycologia, 100(1), 20-30.0027-551418488350 (pubmed)https://hdl.handle.net/10182/1744The conidiation of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Hyphomycete) is a complex process that involves the stage- and cell-type-specific expression of hundreds of genes. The suppression subtractive hybridization method was used to target genes involved in conidiation. Seventeen genes were cloned that potentially were involved in conidia formation. Six of them demonstrated differential expression between conidial and vegetative cultures. Sequence analysis showed three cDNA fragments had similarity to known genes involved in either cellular metabolism or cell regulatory processes. The other cDNA fragments showed low or no similarity to any genes previously described. The full-length cDNA and genomic sequence of a gene designated A43 was isolated. The A43 protein is composed of 180 amino acids and has 34% identity to a RNA-binding region-containing protein. The temporal expression pattern was consistent with the gene being involved in conidiation. The colony morphology of the A43 knock-out mutant had more floccus mycelium than the wild-type and also produced fewer conidia, indicating the A43 gene is involved in B. bassiana conidiation.pp.20-30PrintenCopyright © 2008 by The Mycological Society of AmericaBeauveria bassianaconidiationSSHSpores, FungalMyceliumFungal ProteinsDNA, FungalDNA, ComplementaryBlotting, NorthernNucleic Acid HybridizationSequence Analysis, DNAGene Expression Regulation, FungalGene SilencingAmino Acid SequenceBase SequenceGenes, FungalMolecular Sequence DataBeauveriaIdentification of novel genes associated with conidiation in Beauveria bassiana with suppression subtractive hybridizationJournal ArticleMarsden::270305 Mycology10.3852/mycologia.100.1.201557-2536ANZSRC::3104 Evolutionary biologyANZSRC::3107 MicrobiologyANZSRC::3108 Plant biology