Nong, TTGan, ChristopherHu, Baiding2023-06-182021-1220210254-8372 study investigates farmers’ perception of and adaptation to climate change in Thai Nguyen province in the Northeast region of Vietnam. Using a structured survey questionnaire, personal interviews were conducted with 534 farmers in the study province. A multivariate probit model was utilized to examine factors affecting farmers’ choices of adaptation to climate change. The results show that climate change has threatened farmers’ livelihood and agricultural cultivation. Gender, education, farming experience, land, perceived temperature, perceived precipitation, income source, climate information, agricultural training, membership and credit access significantly affect farmers’ choices of different adaptation methods. The results suggest that government should integrate climate change adaptation activities into local development plans. In addition, climate information, agricultural training, and community-based networks should be made available and accessible to all farmerspp.65-85© 2022 Economic Research Institute, Chung-Ang University. All rights reserved.adaptationclimate changeNortheast VietnamperceptionFarmers' perception of and adaptation to climate change: An investigation in Northeast VietnamJournal Article10.35866/caujed.2021.46.4.0032023-05-24ANZSRC::410103 Human impacts of climate change and human adaptationANZSRC::410403 Environmental education and extensionANZSRC::440704 Environment policyANZSRC::410199 Climate change impacts and adaptation not elsewhere classifiedANZSRC::3502 Banking, finance and investmentANZSRC::3801 Applied economicsANZSRC::4404 Development studies