McFarlane, Lynette M.Ross, J. G.2018-05-112017-11-01978-0-86476-429-41179-7738Lincoln University Wildlife Management Report No. 66 purpose of this report is to create a pest animal management plan for Purple Peaks Curry Reserve. The work was commissioned by NZ Native Forest Restoration Trust in June 2017, and the plan was written by Lyne McFarlane and Dr James Ross of Lincoln University.20en©Department of Pest-management and Conservation, Lincoln University, New Zealand 2017restorationpest managementpredator controlpest monitoringanimal pest controlnative forest restorationBanks PeninsulaPurple Peaks Curry Reserve pest animal management planReportANZSRC::0502 Environmental Science and ManagementANZSRC::050205 Environmental Management