Hager, J. E.Humphries, K. R.2024-10-212024-10-211969https://hdl.handle.net/10182/17754This report describes a series of simple physical tests designed to provide the information required for determination of optimum settings and bout widths . distance between successive passes across the field) for broadcast machines spreading a nominated material at a nominated application rate, under controlled conditions. The tests also determine the sensitivity of the machine/material combination to fluctuations in bout width. The method of test has been arranged to suit the particular characteristics of broadcast machines used in New Zealand, and is intended to provide a calibration service for manufacturers and operators. Commercial Test Entrants will be issued with a separate Test Report for each machine/material combination and may specify the sections of the Test Procedure they wish to be carried out. The attention of intending test entrants is drawn to NZAEI publication TSE/1 "Notes for Intending Test Entrants" and publication TR/1 "Interim Testing Regulations for Agricultural Machinery and Equipment," contained in the appendices to this Report. This Project Report will be followed by the publication of individual Test Reports on various machine/material combinations.17 pages© New Zealand Agricultural Engineering Instituteinsecticidetesting proceduresapplicationProcedure for testing broadcast-type distributors used for the application of granular insecticideReportANZSRC::300409 Crop and pasture protection (incl. pests, diseases and weeds)