Stark, CHill, RCummings, NLi, J-H2018-06-242014-09-03 mixtures and single isolates of root endophytic Trichoderma showed potential to reduce Psa-V symptoms on kiwifruit seedlings and increase seedling survivability in lab trials. Potted vine and field trials are underway to confirm results in orchard situations using the most promising mixtures tested to date. Sufficient material of mixture TriMix-1 is being produced for large scale orchard trials and Lincoln University is seeking a commercial partner for production. Significantly higher numbers of Trichoderma were re-isolated from roots of Trichoderma-treated plants compared to the untreated controls: * establishment of a strong root endophytic Trichoderma community. * major contribution to plant health and increase survivability when plants are challenged with Psa-V. A positive effect can be observed on young seedlings as well as older plants. A combination approach using Trichoderma with other beneficial microorganisms and/or chemical elicitors is likely to result in better control.13 pagesenPsaTrichoderma endophytebiological controlbacterial canker on kiwifruitUse of root endophytic Trichoderma for Psa-V control in kiwifruitConference Contribution - unpublished