Evatt, Thomas William2023-10-172023-10-171996https://hdl.handle.net/10182/16577Fourth year design study, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University.The Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) are interested in establishing new settlements in the district in a move to ease current and future pressures on existing settlements caused by continued residential growth and increasing visitor numbers. The Council is concerned that continued growth will have an undesirable effect on the landscape resource, identified as vital to the commerce and well being of the community. In many areas the current form of scattered and ad hoc development has caused unacceptable and irreparable damage to the visual environment. Cardrona has been identified as a likely site for new development because of the recreational and scenic opportunities which exist. The Councils main concern is that development of such settlements will become sporadic, driven by land speculators and opportunist developers. Resulting in development that is not entirely appropriate in meeting the needs and goals of the community. The Council wishes to see limited residential and tourist development. The Council has particular interest in any impacts development will have on the existing landscape character and environment. Associated with these concerns the Council desires that future development directly addresses the issues surrounding development. These issues can be considered as environmental, economic and community goals, identified in the 1995 Queenstown Lakes District Strategic Plan. To achieve these goals the Council is now accepting proposals from the private sector. Ultimately one proposal will be approved and with assistance from the Council will become reality. I have been commissioned by a large land development firm to design the layout for their proposal to be submitted to the Council for approval.https://researcharchive.lincoln.ac.nz/pages/rightsCardronanew town planningDesign study: Cardrona townDissertationDigital thesis can be viewed by current staff and students of Lincoln University only. If you are the author of this item, please contact us if you wish to discuss making the full text publicly available.ANZSRC::330411 Urban designANZSRC::330109 Landscape architectureANZSRC::330410 Urban analysis and development