Fang, LLi, Zhaohua2024-09-282024-01-222024-072023-12-200964-4733XY1X2 (isidoc) investigate the effect of corporate digitalization capabilities on green innovation among Chinese-listed firms. Using a panel dataset of 2908 companies from 2011 to 2020, we use textual analysis and entropy weighting on corporate annual reports to construct a yearly corporate digitalization index. Our findings show that corporate digitalization promotes green innovation, as evidenced by patent applications and grants. This relationship is stronger for firms with fewer financial constraints and in provinces with strong intellectual property protection. We also find the national digital policy of the “Internet Plus” strategy has a stronger positive effect on corporate green innovation for corporations with a higher degree of digitalization. Our results are robust to various alternative measures, econometric models, and different samples.pp.3936-3964en© 2024 The Authors. Business Strategy and The Environment published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.corporate digitalizationfinancing constraintsgreen innovationgreen patent applications and grantslocal intellectual property protectionCorporate digitalization and green innovation: Evidence from textual analysis of firm annual reports and corporate green patent data in ChinaJournal Article10.1002/bse.36771099-0836ANZSRC::350103 Financial accountingANZSRC::350705 Innovation managementANZSRC::350307 Technology managementANZSRC::350202 FinanceANZSRC::460603 Cyberphysical systems and internet of thingsANZSRC::350203 Financial econometricsANZSRC::3501 Accounting, auditing and accountabilityANZSRC::3502 Banking, finance and investmentANZSRC::3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour