Kerr, Geoffrey N.2010-02-112010-02-111988-071-86931-070-50112-0875 is a demand for non-market valuation information in New Zealand which is likely to increase with current "more-market" policies. Information needs range from identifying non-market values, through methods for incorporating them in the decision-making process, to methods of measurement. New Zealand's unique cultural environment may preclude the wholesale adoption of approaches used elsewhere. There is a need for verification of overseas approaches. A small group of New Zealand researchers have gained competence in applying methods of measurement developed overseas and are in a position to make advances of international significance. The Centre for Resource Management intends to co-ordinate non-market valuation research in New Zealand in order to maximise the benefits of that research to all New Zealanders.enCopyright © Centre for Resource Management.environmental valuesmarket valuationmarket economicssocial impactwillingness to payresource allocationnon-market valuationNon market valuation in New ZealandMonographMarsden::340401 Economic models and forecastingMarsden::300804 Environmental impact assessmentMarsden::300803 Natural resources management