Fitchett, Deborah2020-05-262019-10-25Fitchett, D. (2019). rss2oai: Harvesting Wordpress into Primo. Presentation at ANZREG 2019, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. often search Primo for topics covered on our website. We wrote a PHP script to convert the website’s RSS feed into a basic OAI feed that Primo could harvest. Our next plan is to create a similar script based on the Panopto API for our video content.19 pagesen© The author 2019discovery layersuser experiencesearch indexrss2oai: Harvesting Wordpress into PrimoConference Contribution - unpublishedANZSRC::130103 Higher EducationANZSRC::0803 Computer SoftwareANZSRC::080302 Computer System Architecture