Pinnell, G. C.Robinson, M. D.Lawn, G. D.2024-11-052024-11-051985-08 collection of information for horticultural post, wire and cloth structures is presented to assist structural engineers in preparing appropriate designs. Presented to IPENZ " Engineering in horticulture" seminar, Hamilton 9th November, 1984.The basic methods and skills used to design horticultural structures are identical to those used to design large buildings or bridges. However, to produce a design that is acceptable to the client, the design approach needs to be significantly different. This paper offers guidance by discussing aspects of design philosophy and consequences of failure. It also reports or refers to research that is particularly relevant to the design of horticultural structures. To this end, the authors recommend the references listed. This is not a comprehensive and stand-alone document. It does however, signpost the directions, and reports on research not previously published. Our experience of horticultural structures has been in the design of artificial shelter, crop supports and horizontal canopies, which are described below.23 pages© New Zealand Agricultural Engineering InstitutewindbreaksshelterbeltsThe design of horticultural structuresReportANZSRC::300299 Agriculture, land and farm management not elsewhere classifiedANZSRC::300409 Crop and pasture protection (incl. pests, diseases and weeds)