Bowie, Michael H.Mountier, CathyFox, B.Boyer, StephaneGamlen-Greene, R.Brown, SamuelSullivan, Jon J.Hoare, R.Johns, P.2011-10-312011-09978-0-86476-269-61177-6242, covenants and bush remnants of the eastern side of Banks Peninsula were surveyed for invertebrates including ground beetles (carabids), weevils, spiders, moths, earthworms and snails. Sixteen carabid species were found including one new Holcaspis species. The six-eyed spider Periegops suterii was found in six sites. Light trapping moths identified 202 species with 122 from Hinewai Reserve alone. Soil sampling found 13 endemic species of worms. New species of millipedes (Diplopoda) and cranefly (Tipulidae) were also found. Recommendations for future research on Banks Peninsula are given.1-13enCopyright © The Authors.Banks PeninsulasurveyinvertebratesreservesAn invertebrate survey of reserves, covenants and significant remnants of eastern Banks Peninsula in 2010-2011ReportANZSRC::050202 Conservation and Biodiversity1177-6242978-0-86476-270-2