Hadden, KarinaBowie, Michael H.Pryde, M.2017-06-262017-03978-0-86476-420-11179-7738Lincoln University Wildlife Management Report No. 62https://hdl.handle.net/10182/8228The overall aim of this project was to detect the location of long-tailed bat and morepork across Banks Peninsula with the intention of protecting habitat and increasing survival rate. The aim is also to provide advocacy for both species, and promote their conservation with private landowners. The findings of this study will be able to complement future research studies of both long-tailed bats and morepork on Banks Peninsula and throughout New Zealand. This study had two objectives: 1. To determine the presence of long-tailed bats on Banks Peninsula. 2. To add to the current knowledge of morepork distribution on Banks Peninsula.23en© The Authorslong-tailed batsChalinolobus tuberculatusmoreporkNinox novaseelandiaeBanks PeninsulaDetecting the presence of long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) and morepork (Ninox novaseelandiae) on Banks PeninsulaReportANZSRC::050206 Environmental MonitoringANZSRC::050202 Conservation and Biodiversity