Hee, AlvinSuckling, D.Stewart, AlisonBourdot, G.2015-05-292004-07-242004-07https://hdl.handle.net/10182/6569Insect pheromones have also been developed and successfully used in a number of New Zealand horticultural crops for monitoring or direct control strategies Synthetic pheromones have been used in NZ for delimiting the Asian gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea), the guava moth (Coscinoptycha improbana) and the gum leaf skeletoniser (Uraba lugens).1enCopyright © The Authors.biological controlinsect vectorslure-load-infectPheromones use in smart-autoinoculation systems using insects as vectors of plant pathogens in weed biocontrolConference Contribution - unpublishedANZSRC::06 Biological SciencesANZSRC::0605 MicrobiologyANZSRC::050103 Invasive Species Ecology