Brejaart, Ria2012-11-052012-11-051988 study was carried out in order to establish which foods are taken by the kea (Nestor notabilis). Published and unpublished literature was reviewed, and fieldwork was carried out at Craigieburn Forest Park for ten days during the period February - July 1987. Observations made at Craigieburn were backed up by observations from several other areas, made over 27 days during the period December 1986 - August 1987. A total of 27 feeding sessions was observed and both foods taken and feeding behaviour were recorded. From published and unpublished literature and field observations, a total of 89 species of plants and nine species of animal were identified as food sources for the kea in the wild. For both plant and animal foods there were a number of instances where only the genus was recorded, so that the total number of species taken may be as high as 110 and 12 respectively. It was found that the diet of the kea is largely vegetarian (70.5 % of the food items taken at Craigieburn were plant material). It was not determined if the foods taken by keas reflected preference or availability. Some foods taken were only seasonally available (berries, flowers, nectar, leafbuds). The importance of the same plant species as a foodsource for the kea varied with different localities. Observations on habitat use suggested that the movement of the kea between the forest and areas above the bushline was a function of food availability.enkeaNestor notabilisdietfeeding behaviourCraigieburn Forest parkhabitat useDiet and feeding behaviour of the Kea (Nestor notabilis)DissertationANZSRC::060801 Animal BehaviourANZSRC::0602 EcologyQ112543608