Lynch, PipMassam, RobynPeebles, Catherine2010-02-161994-061171-8374 in outdoor education has grown significantly over recent decades, and with this interest has come a growth in literature about outdoor education in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Much of this literature was collated in 1989 (Bailey, 1989). The present bibliography updates the 1989 effort with the added dimension of annotations in the form of an abstract for each publication listed. The publications listed include empirical research reports as well as literature that has a descriptive, conceptual or policy focus. This bibliography is targeted principally toward those undertaking academic studies related to outdoor education. For this reason, material dealing solely with venues, equipment and activity ideas for outdoor education (e.g. guide books, activity manuals and technical books) has been excluded. Additionally, the latter publications are numerous and relatively easily accessible. This bibliography is a collation of material less readily available, but nonetheless valuable. The authors have noted the quality and quantity of information on outdoor education emanating from conferences. To increase awareness of this comprehensive source of information and to make it more readily available, individual conference papers as well as complete conference proceedings have been referenced.1-68enoutdoor educationNew ZealandbibliographyOutdoor Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand : an annotated bibliographyMonographMarsden::309902 Education and extensionMarsden::339999 Other educationANZSRC::1506 TourismANZSRC::1399 Other Education