Lawrence, JMackey, BChiew, FCostello, MJHennessey, KLansbury, NNidumolu, UBPecl, GRickards, LTapper, NWoodward, AWreford, AnitaAlexandra, JAusseil, A-GAwatere, SBardsley, DBell, RBlackett, PBoulter, SCollins, DCradock-Henry, NCreamer, SDarbyshire, RDean, SDi Luca, ADowdy, AFountain, JoannaGrose, MHajkowicz, SHall, DHarris, SHayman, PHodgkinson, JHussey, KJones, RKing, DLinnenluecke, MLivengood, ELivingston, MMacinnis-Ng, CMcFadgen, BMcMichael, CMilfont, TMoggridge, BMonks, AMorrison, SMosby, VOnyango, EPaddam, SPearce, GPearce, PRanasinghe, RSchoeman, DTomlinson, RWalker, SWatt, MWestra, SWise, RZammit, CPörtner, H-ORoberts, DCTignor, MPoloczanska, ESMintenbeck, KAlegría, ACraig, MLangsdorf, SLöschke, SMöller, VOkem, ARama, BHoegh-Guldberg, OWratt, D2023-10-172023-06-292023-10-172023 changes and impacts Ongoing climate trends have exacerbated many extreme events (very high confidence). The Australian trends include further warming and sea level rise sea level rise (SLR), with more hot days and heatwaves, less snow, more rainfall in the north, less April–October rainfall in the southwest and southeast and more extreme fire weather days in the south and east. The New Zealand trends include further warming and sea level rise (SLR), more hot days and heatwaves, less snow, more rainfall in the south, less rainfall in the north and more extreme fire weather in the east. There have been fewer tropical cyclones and cold days in the region. Extreme events include Australia’s hottest and driest year in 2019 with a record-breaking number of days over 39°C, New Zealand’s hottest year in 2016, three widespread marine heatwaves during 2016–2020, Category 4 Cyclone Debbie in 2017, seven major hailstorms over eastern Australia and two over New Zealand from 2014–2020, three major floods in eastern Australia and three over New Zealand during 2019–2021 and major fires in southern and eastern Australia during 2019–2020.pp.1581-1688, 18 chapters© Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2022.adaptationclimatic changeextreme eventssea level rise (SLR)AustralasiaBook Chapter10.1017/9781009325844.01397810093258442023-05-30ANZSRC::370201 Climate change processesANZSRC::410199 Climate change impacts and adaptation not elsewhere classifiedANZSRC::450904 Ngā mātauranga taiao o te Māori (Māori environmental knowledges)ANZSRC::450304 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental knowledges