Gough, Janet D.2010-02-112010-02-111988-071-86931-065-90112-0875https://hdl.handle.net/10182/1376This paper presents an overview of the risk literature, concentrating on general approaches to risk analysis and risk assessment. We believe that this is an essential first step towards the setting of guidelines or the adoption of a regulatory procedure for all situations where risk to humans and their environment is involved. We have used the term environmental risk to encompass these situations. Of necessity, political risk is also a factor.enCopyright © Centre for Resource Management.risk assessmentdecision makingenvironmental economicsdecision theorymicroeconomicsrisk managementRisk and uncertaintyMonographMarsden::300801 Environmental management and rehabilitationMarsden::300803 Natural resources managementMarsden::300804 Environmental impact assessmentMarsden::340101 Microeconomic theory