Otinpong, BCharters, StuartMcKinnon, AGidlow, RSyme, GHatton MacDonald, DFulton, BPiantadosi, J2020-04-082017-01-019780987214379https://hdl.handle.net/10182/11726Computer-aided visualisation can be applied to natural environments to understand the impact of proposed developments or management strategies, but little evaluation of the effectiveness of these tools has been undertaken. In seeking to manage natural environments, it is desirable to model and understand these complex interactions in order to compare the outcomes of applying different management strategies. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are significant differences in knowledge outcomes depending on the form in which visualisation of environmental changes is presented, using a case study of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere, a broad, shallow lagoon in the South Island of New Zealand. Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere is separated from the Pacific Ocean by the long narrow sandy Kaitorete Spit. Its unique position allows for it to be opened to the sea periodically to provide drainage and prevent flooding of surrounding farmlands. There is a lack of agreement among the diverse stakeholders regarding the appropriate levels at which the lake level should be maintained throughout the year. We describe an interactive visualisation tool (ElleVis) which shows the effects of different water levels on the flora and fauna, as well as plants and animals living in and around the Lake. The tool allows users to input different opening scenarios and visualise the resulting impact on water levels around the lake at various times. It incorporates historical rainfall data from New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research to deliver a graphical map display, including a summary table with a ‘traffic light’ status for lake values - birds, fish, farming and other stakeholder interests at different locations around the lake. The interactive nature of the ElleVis tool allows the stakeholders to compare Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere under different opening scenarios using one interactive tool. However, it is possible, for example, that providing information about changes in lake behaviour in a carefully and clearly presented non-interactive form may be as successful as providing it in an interactive form of ElleVis. In order to test for the effect of interactive versus non-interactive forms of visualization, we conducted an experiment with forty participants (randomly assigned to two test groups) who have various interests at Te Waihora. We provided them with either an interactive or a non-interactive form of visualisation. Results were recorded from a structured interview after the test. The findings revealed that interactive visualisation was key to advantageous learning about changes in environmental behaviour. We argue that the techniques presented have the potential to stimulate meaningful discussions in natural resource situations that involve contested resources or a multiplicity of interests, but at the same time, there is an urgent need for evaluation of such tools in participatory decision-making processes.pp.950-956en© The authors and Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. (MSSANZ).personal understandinginteractive visualisationstatic visualisationevaluationvisual simulationInvestigating the potential role of visualisation in natural resource decision-makingConference Contribution - publishedANZSRC::050209 Natural Resource ManagementANZSRC::08 Information and Computing SciencesANZSRC::080104 Computer VisionANZSRC::050206 Environmental Monitoringhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Attribution