Lees, NicholasSivakumar, SivashankarLucock, Xiaomeng2024-09-042024-08-182024-08-022071-1050E7J5E (isidoc)https://hdl.handle.net/10182/17543There is a growing consensus that the modern food system lies at the centre of the great challenges facing humanity and that urgent and profound changes are required in the way that food is produced, processed, distributed and consumed. This review analyses sustainability transitions within agrifood systems, focusing on the role of firms and industries as defined by the Sustainable Transitions Research Network (STRN). This paper conducts the first systematic literature review using bibliometric analysis to assess the current state of research on this theme. The findings reveal a significant increase in publications related to firms and industries associated with agrifood sustainability transitions. Furthermore, the focus of current research is geographically concentrated in the European Union. The review identifies four key themes in the literature, based on the co-occurrence of keywords. These are agriculture, innovation, governance, food systems and agroecology. The review identifies an increasing awareness of the role of farmers in driving sustainability transitions at the farm level. Furthermore, there is an increasing awareness of the interrelated characteristics of the agrifood system, which acknowledges the need for sustainable innovations to occur at multiple stages of the agrifood system. The review also shows that there is growing evidence that innovations can occur through disruptive as well as incremental innovation and highlights the importance of governance influencing transitions. The existing literature raises questions about alternative food networks as sustainable innovations, their potential for significant change in the established food system and the validity of their claims regarding food equity and environmental sustainability. A key theme emerging from the literature is an ecological perspective that identifies the complex biological processes and ecosystems that form an integral part of agricultural production. These findings provide a greater understanding of the current literature landscape of agrifood sustainable transitions relating to firms and industries and lay a foundation for future research.27 pagesen© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.sustainability transitionsagrifoodagroecologysustainable innovationfood systemsgovernanceAgrifood sustainability transitions in firms and industry: A bibliographic analysis of research themesJournal Article10.3390/su161670792071-1050ANZSRC::300606 Food sustainabilityANZSRC::300210 Sustainable agricultural developmentANZSRC::350909 Supply chainshttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Attribution