Barclay, Dennis2015-10-012015-10-012015 New Zealand Kellogg Rural Leaders Programme develops emerging agribusiness leaders to help shape the future of New Zealand agribusiness and rural affairs. Lincoln University has been involved with this leaders programme since 1979 when it was launched with a grant from the Kellogg Foundation, USA.Engagement. Livestock Improvement Corporation and Livestock Improvement Corporation Shareholders Council. What is the interaction and what can be done to improve this? What is engagement? How does it manifest itself? What effect does it have on people and how do they react to it? What bearing does this have on the actions and interactions of LIC, LIC shareholders and LIC shareholders council. These are the questions that I have been thinking about and will follow through with to see why engagement is at the level it is today and if there is any way we can improve on these levels. Firstly I answered (What is engagement?) I followed by looking at engagement between LIC and their shareholder/farmers. After this I developed a survey to ascertain which themes of engagement individual shareholder/farmers aligned too. The outcome of this is that it has become clear that there is a large number of shareholder/farmers that have very limited knowledge of Shareholders Council and what it's role is and how this role is implemented. Also it has become clear that there is a direct linkage between which theme of engagement that a shareholder/farmer is aligned with and their level of engagement. There needs to be a greater emphasis placed on the level of service to the shareholder/farmer base so as the empathy between LIC, LIC shareholder/farmers and LIC shareholders council can be raised to higher more positive levels.enCopyright © The Author.Livestock Improvement Corporationshareholdersdairy industryindustrial relationsLivestock Improvement Corporation shareholders and their engagement with Livestock Improvement Corporation's Shareholders CouncilMonographANZSRC::070106 Farm Management, Rural Management and AgribusinessANZSRC::150303 Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement