Orchiston, Hector Douglas2024-11-182024-11-181957-05https://hdl.handle.net/10182/17830A quantitative analysis of some official agricultural statistics for the period 1900-1952, has established some trends in fertiliser materials imported, lime produced locally, and the major items of farm production. Pastoral production has been defined as the sum of the protein equivalents contained in wool on a greasy basis, meat on a carcase weight basis, and dairy produce at a milk-at-the-pail basis. Farm production has been defined as pastoral production plus the protein equivalents contained in cash crops.27 pages© Lincoln Collegefertiliserspastoral productionliming of soilFertilisers, lime and farm production in New Zealand, 1900-1952ReportANZSRC::300411 Fertilisers (incl. application)ANZSRC::300208 Farm management, rural management and agribusiness