Rennie, Hamish2020-05-10 ought we to do and what do we do when our values as a professional are confronted by our reality as land owners and real people? Theoretically this question must be confronted by planners throughout Australia and New Zealand, but they appear to be little addressed in the planning literature. In this paper I describe three New Zealand cases of professionals caught in situations that pose considerable problems for them in addressing the ethical considerations of their profession or expectations of professionals and their position as land owners in real life. The issues arise from heritage, landscape and water rules in three different plans. The paper is reflective on the fundamental theoretical and philosophical deficiencies in the concepts of ‘expert’ and ‘professional ethics’, and asks if we need to revitalise the ‘expert’?enplanninganimalsprofessionalism'Being in the Plan' - Quandaries of ethical professionalism v landownershipConference Contribution - unpublished