Wason, Karen M.Sleeman, R.Simmons, David G.2008-02-072007-111175-5385No. 7https://hdl.handle.net/10182/280This study reports on a survey of small tourism businesses in New Zealand. In particular it focusses on the smallest of tourism's businesses – those comprising five or fewer full-time employees (FTEs). As such it provides one of a number of viewpoints on the functioning of the tourism sector in the New Zealand economy. This small business survey forms part of a wider study funded by the Ministry of Tourism and New Zealand Tourism Industry Association (TIANZ) to examine and develop tools to enhance the financial and economic yield of tourism in New Zealand. Alongside this study is an analysis of data gathered from the Tourism Satellite Account which provides a 'top down' analysis of financial and economic data recorded by Statistics New Zealand, and an analysis of tourism enterprises employing greater than six FTEs which will be available from the Ministry of Economic Development's Business Operations Survey due for completion in April 2006.1-68entourism managementtourism economicsfinancial performanceeconomic performancetourism investmenttourism yieldeconomic yieldyield managementpricing structurestourism marketingEnhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: small tourism business survey reportSmall tourism business survey reportReportMarsden::350500 TourismMarsden::340205 Industry economics and industrial organisationANZSRC::1506 Tourism