Lincoln College2013-06-102013-06-101965 report was compiled by Meat & Wool Boards Economic Service. For a detailed description of the types of work performed by contractors in Canterbury, and of their distribution by districts, refer to N.Z. Meat & Wool Boards' Economic Service Publication No. S.1203, Farm Contractors and the Farmer.All farm work or services performed by labour not fully employed on a farm has been classified as farm contracting for the purpose of this report. Therefore, within this definition are shearers, shed hands and fencers, all regarded as employees for tax purposes; and the asset backed self-employed contractors operating trucks, tractors, headers and balers. The farm contracting industry is expanding and farmers in Canterbury today can call on a wide range of contractors skilled in nearly all types of farm work and prepared for all types of farm servicing. Competition for business is keen and rates have changed very little in the past two years. The report shows the rates currently being charged to farmers for all types of work commonly performed by contractors on Canterbury farms.enCopyright © Lincoln Universityfarm contracterratestaxationfarming industryreference manualbudgeting toolFarm contracting rates Canterbury 1964-65BookANZSRC::070106 Farm Management, Rural Management and AgribusinessANZSRC::150314 Small Business Management