
Major Cycle Routes in Christchurch: Conflicts in Local Situations and Proposed Design-based Solutions

Di, Wang
Fields of Research
ANZSRC::1205 Urban and Regional Planning , ANZSRC::120506 Transport Planning , ANZSRC::120508 Urban Design , ANZSRC::120504 Land Use and Environmental Planning
The Christchurch City Council is currently developing a network of 13 major cycle routes, which link residential neighbourhoods, businesses, parks, schools and popular recreational destinations across Christchurch. As of February 2018, the network of cycle routes has been fully planned but only partially completed. Drawing on relevant literature, planning documents and real site situations, this study identifies local conflicts that have arisen during and after the planning and implementation phases. International design recommendations, exemplar, and Christchurch design guidelines are reviewed as references for solutions. The overall aim of this study is to propose design-based solutions to mitigate existing conflicts and to remove barriers to full implementation in the future.