
Financial budget manual 2010

The "Financial Budget Manual 2010" is an invaluable reference book for farmers and growers, consultants and students. It contains a wealth of up to date information on farm and orchard costs and prices, the profitability of different enterprises, and income taxation. Following its successful introduction in 1999, the electronic (CD) version of the Manual continues to be available as well as the book format. Unless stated otherwise, the data contained in the Manual are that ruling in January 2010, and, unless stated otherwise, are quoted exclusive of GST. Prices do not remain stationary so the Manual should be used as a guide only. Market movements and exchange rate changes are just two of the factors which can rapidly alter costs and prices. The availability of discounts for bulk purchases, and deferred payment arrangements, may also affect final costs for budgeting purposes. In addition, some commodity price information is becoming increasingly sensitive and remains confidential between the client and the supplier and/or buyer. It is therefore unavailable for publication in this Manual. Information quoted has been gathered from sources throughout New Zealand, but some variation may occur between regions. Trade names have been used for clarity and convenience; no preferential endorsement by the University is intended, nor is any criticism implied of any product which does not appear in the Manual.
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