
Comparison of the effects of reducing light intensity after flag leaf emergence in two wheat cultivars, Triticum Aestivum cv. Karamu and Triticum Aestivum cv. Arawa: A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Hons.) in the University of Canterbury

It is known from Fisher's (1973) work that the inflorescence development of Norin 10 derivatives is different from that of standard wheat cultivars. Light is a factor that is important in the development of the inflorescence, so the aim of this experiment is to see if Karamu is more affected by a drop in light intensity than is any of the standard cultivars, and to see if any particular stage of development is more sensitive to a drop in light intensity. Also, following on from Fisher's (1973) work, the experiment is an attempt to confirm his observations that floret growth is held in check with respect to the vegetative parts such . as the glumes and lemmas, and to see if this can be modified by changes in light intensity.
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