
Methodology for development of single cell dendritic spine (SCDS) synaptic tagging and capture model using Virtual Cell (VCell)

Journal Article
Single cell dendritic spine modelling methodology has been adopted to explain structural plasticity and respective change in the neuronal volume previously. However, the single cell dendrite methodology has not been employed previously to explain one of the important aspects of memory allocation i.e., Synaptic tagging and Capture (STC) hypothesis. It is difficult to relate the physical properties of STC pathways to structural changes and synaptic strength. We create a mathematical model based on earlier reported synaptic tagging networks. We built the model using Virtual Cell (VCell) software and used it to interpret experimental data and investigate the behavior and characteristics of known Synaptic tagging candidates. • We investigate processes associated with synaptic tagging candidates and compare them to the assumptions based on the STC hypothesis. • We assess the behavior of several reported synaptic tagging candidates against the requirements outlined in the synaptic tagging hypothesis.
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