
Motuihe Island : development proposals for a recreational resource : a major design study [dissertation] submitted for the Diploma of Landscape Architecture in the University of Canterbury [Lincoln College]

The Lands and Survey Department (Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Board) is desirous of upgrading Motuihe Island as a recreational resource. It is envisaged that Motuihe Island will continue its role within the park as a multi-purpose farm unit and recreational facility. Research and study are to focalise upon an inventory, analysis and evaluation of the natural and scenic resources of the island, to explore development potentials with consideration for the impact and effect of existing and potential land uses upon the environment and to determine the role of Motuihe Island more fully in relation to the rest of the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park. The study is required to produce a design concept recognising the problems of economic maintenance, and which shows detailed placement of buildings and general facilities.