The yields of dry matter from pure sowings of some pasture plants (cut with a lawn mower) over a period of three years
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
The trial from which these results were obtained
was sown in February 1930. Plots of eighteen kinds of grasses
and clovers were sown in triplicate, each plot being 11 yards by
18 inches. The plots were cut with a lawn mower at different
periods when the growth was 1½" - 3” high. Air dry weights were
secured. It will be noticed from the graph that nine cuts were
taken in the first year, four cuts in the second year, and three
cuts in the third year. In only two instances, in the spring of
the first season, was the interval between successive cuttings
less that one month. The plots were not grazed except for one
short period when a mob of sheep was put on for twenty-four hours
to get some information on the palatability of the different
species. Superphosphate at the rate of l½ cwt. per acre was
applied in the winters of 1931 and 1932.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.