Kua takoto te mānuka: Mātauranga Māori in New Zealand ecology
Fields of Research
Mō te whakarauora i te taiao o Aotearoa me whakaū, me whakamana i te mātauranga o te hunga Māori. Nō nā tata nei, tē kitea i tēnei momo mātauranga ki ngā mahi pūtaiao, ngā mahi whakarauora taiao hoki o Aotearoa whānui. Mā te mahitahi ki ngā whānau, hapū me ngā iwi o te hunga Māori, ka kitea te huanga o ēnei aho mātauranga mo te oranga tonutanga o te hunga tangata me te taiao. Tekau mā toru ngā tuhinga kua whakakao mai mō tēnei whakaputanga. Mā ngā tuhinga o tēnei whakaputanga e whakatauira i ngā momo ara taunaki i te whanaungatanga o te hunga Māori me te hunga pūtaiao. Waihoki, hei whakapūmau i te mātauranga o te Māori ki tēnei whakaputanga, kua tuhia ngā auheke mo ia tuhinga roa ki te reo Māori. Ka mutu, mā ēnei tuhinga e mirimiri i te hirikapo hei whakaoho i ngā mahi rangahau mo ngā mahi pūtaiao ā-Māori nei. Ko te pae tawhiti o tēnei whakaputanga he whakapātaritari i te hunga mātai hauropi ki te taunaki i te mātauranga Māori. Mā te whakaora i te whanaungatanga ki waenga i te iwi Māori ka ora ngā ōhaki o te iwi Māori, waihoki, te taiao o Aotearoa whānui.
Matauranga Maori, a knowledge system incorporating Maori philosophical thought, worldview and practice, provides important insight and practice and is vital for understanding and managing Aotearoa New Zealand’s ecosystems. Yet, until recently, it has remained largely invisible to mainstream ecologists and resource managers in Aotearoa. Partnering with Maori and incorporating matauranga into ecological research offers an additional dimension to neoclassical science, which we argue leads to better outcomes for society and the environment. This special issue brings together 13 papers that highlight key concepts and provide exemplars of good practice, which demonstrate development of authentic, long-term partnerships with Maori. The special issue itself has provided space for such scholarship, which does not necessarily align with western ideas of science, and has fostered the use of the Maori language by all papers having abstracts published in te reo Maori. Importantly, one of the key aims of this special issue is to stimulate further activity and research in this area. We contend that further research in this area will not only support Maori environmental and social aspirations but will also lead to holistic, enduring solutions for managing the unique biodiversity and ecosystems in Aotearoa. The challenge ahead for ecologists is to develop more widespread and effective partnerships with Maori and deeper understandings of matauranga Maori.
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© 2019 New Zealand Ecological Society.