Mapping apple quality using supply chain information
The Fresh Produce industry is by nature competitive, and the demand for high
quality consistent products requires technologies and methods to describe and
manage the high degree of variability which is inherent in Horticultural crops.
An opportunity exists to use Supply Chain Information to measure the quality and
value of fruit, and a range of exploratory and Precision Horticulture methods may
be used to create a higher level of understanding for growers than the existing
reporting method.
In this study an orchard block was divided into sectors, and the position of
harvest was noted for a sample of harvested field bins. At the time of packing,
data collected from the fruit sizer, and quality control records, was analysed
using exploratory statistical methods (e.g. residual analysis), and spatial maps.
This provided information with a high level of meaning on which the grower could
base his orchard practices in order to manage the factors underlying variation.
The real value of this information was realized when it was presented to the
grower, and with his technical consultant further analysis of the block was
undertaken. Specific recommendations were made to control a problem with tree
vigour (branch growth) in the block and remedial actions were taken with a
successful outcome.
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