
Measuring the restoration trajectory of invertebrates in the Winstone Aggregates Hunua quarry site

In this study we surveyed Winstone Aggregates Hunua Quarry restoration plantings for invertebrates. We wanted to measure the restoration success and used an unplanted control site and a mature forest site in the same area as a comparison. Using different entomological surveying techniques we found that ground beetle and centipede numbers increased from the control site through to the mature forest. Tree weta was well represented in the restored area, while ants, earthworms and rove beetles resulted in a downwards trend from the mature area to the control site. Five native species of snail were found only in the mature forest. Previous studies such as Bowie et al. (2012) Punakaiki restoration project, found similar trends. Both this study and the Punakaiki project are baseline studies. Further research is proposed for the future.
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