
Types of biopesticides

Book Chapter
Fields of Research
Biopesticides are generally regarded as biologically based pesticides. The specific definition however has depended on the researchers, and the term has been used broadly to encompass all biologically derived pesticides or, more often, specifically for certain groups, such as microbial biopesticides. The general aim of using the term biopesticide is to suggest a biological rather than a synthetic origin of the active agent, and implicit is a level of environmental and mammalian safety resulting from the use of naturally derived actives. Various subgroups of biopesticides that could be included under a broad definition comprise packaged pesticides based on live microbes, nematodes, microbial and plant extracts, genetically modified plants, semiochemicals, endophytes, invertebrates used inundatively, and other compounds derived from animals or minerals. The term biopesticide implies some form of packaging and active application, without the expectation of long-term persistence, and often has an element of formulation. The market for biopesticides is increasing rapidly around the world, but regulators in many countries are struggling with providing registration procedures appropriate for these pesticides.