An economic analysis of large-scale land development for agriculture and forestry
This publication is the report of an economic analysis of large-scale land
development for agriculture and forestry. It is based on a case study of
the Maraetai block on the pumice country in the Taupo-Rotorua area.
In addition to this, however, it is also the report of an exercise in cooperation
between a number of organisations that have widely differing
interests in land development. The Agricultural Economic Research Unit
at Lincoln College is interested in the theoretical basis of assessing long
term investment and in how analytical techniques may be applied in the
field; the Department of Lands and Survey is concerned with developing
land for settlement, while the responsibility for farmers after settlement
rested until recently with the State Advances Corporation; the Forest
Service is similarly concerned with developing land for exotic forests.
Not infrequently, the land earmarked by the Forest Service for afforestation
is also suitable for land settlement and a conflict of interest
between the government departments occurs. The main aim of this study
was to suggest a method of analysis for land development which was
suitable for all departments and to seek their co-operation in applying it
to case studies.