Fertilizer and stocking rates on two King Country soils
Conference Contribution - published
Parent materials such as volcanic ash and sedimentary siltstone
and sandstone form soils which differ markedly in their physical
and chemical properties. In stocking x fertilizer rate trials on
two families of soils, Te Kuiti-Tumutumu (volcanic ash) and
Mahoenui-Mangatea (siltstonesandstone), the former showed marked
response to increasing rates of superphosphate in terms of
pasture availability and animal production but the latter showed
negligible response above the lowest rate (250 kg/ha). Responses
to superphosphate were apparent on Te Kuiti-Tumutumu only
at the high stocking rate. Sward composition showed no measurable
improvement with the application of superphosphate. Management practices were undoubtedly important in this respect. Differential
‘topdressing should be practised where feasible. When soil
test levels for phosphate are medium to low, Te Kuiti-Tumutumu
soils should receive at least 500 kg/ha/yr of superphosphate,
Mahoenui-Mangatea soils 250 kg/ha/yr. Stocking rates and
management practices must be such as to allow full utilization
of the additional pasture grown.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.