An enviromental plan for Lincoln village
Lincoln village long existed as a quiet rural township within the Ellesmere farming
zone, but growth of the Christchurch urban area since the 1950's has brought it within
the sphere of urban influences of that city. Dormitory and residential support functions
for Christchurch, D.S.I.R. Divisions ,and Lincoln College are rapidly becoming of more
significance to Lincoln than the established rural functions. While the towns rural
character still exists, and is still highly prized by both long term and newer commuting
inhabitants, it is becoming increasingly threatened by the quickening pace of subdivision
and expansion.
This study attempts to develop guidelines to protect the existing town wherever
desirable and feasible, and set out some suggested requirements where necessary. To this
end the existing character of Lincoln is analysed, and likely developments are predicted.
Decisions on planning for a future visual character
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