
Understanding the growth and development of maize (Zea mays L.) : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University

A main constraint to maize production in New Zealand is yield variability due to the low rainfall supply and also the erratic distribution of rain in the summer which consequently affects crop N uptake and utilization. The aim of this study was to understand the influence of N and water on canopy development, crop growth, phenological development and yield formation. Crops with different yield potentials were created using different levels of N and water availability. Two experiments were carried out, marking the growing season, Experiment 1 in 2015/16 and Experiment 2 in 2016/17. The two experiments were carried out at two different locations at Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand. Experiment 1 was arranged in a split-plot design with four nitrogen (N) levels under different water regimes. The N levels were N1- nil, N2 -75 kg N/ha, N3 – 150 kg N/ha and N4 – 300 kg N/ha, and water levels at Irr1- Irr4 as defined by the accumulated potential soil moisture deficit as 443 (rainfed), 367, 301 and 226 mm, respectively. These created grain yields that were not different in all the treatments which averaged 12.4 t/ha and only varied in total dry matter (DM) accumulated. To create more distinct differences in grain yield, this experiment was repeated at another location with a higher dose of N. Experiment 2 used two levels of water and N in a randomised block design. The treatments were for N1 –nil N and N2 - 500 kg N/ha, rainfed and irrigation (accumulated potential soil moisture deficit at 536 and 296 mm respectively). In Experiment 1, grain yield was not different across the crops and average 12.4 t/ha. The total DM was 19.1 t/ha for the rainfed crop (Irr1) and averaged 22.4 t/ha for the irrigated crops. Grain yield and total DM as explained by intercepted photosynthetic radiation (iPAR) accumulated to 570 MJ/m2 for Irr1 and was higher at 1082 MJ/m2 for Irr2. All crops GAI reached a maximum at 3.7 m2/m2 at a rate of 0.01 m2/m2/°Cd in the duration of 677 °Cd which justified the similarities in grain yield. After the linear phase, the intercepted light in Irr1 immediately reached an asymptote as the leaves withered quickly due to water stress. The radiation use efficiency (RUE) was 2.21 g/MJ for N1 and 2.49 g/MJ for N4 and mainly because of the specific leaf N (SLN). The SLN was highest at 2.1 g N/m2 for the irrigated crop with N and lower at 1.66 g N/m2 without N. The contribution of SLN to yield was reflected in total DM. In Experiment 2, grain yield increased progressively from 0.98 t/ha under rainfed to 9.0 t/ha when irrigated and further to 16.3 t/ha with N. Total DM followed a similar response with rainfed accumulating only 4.10 t/ha and 14.3 t/ha under irrigation and doubling with N, creating total DM of 28.9 t/ha. The difference in total DM was explained by the differences in the total amount of iPAR. Under rainfed the total iPAR was 448 MJ/m2 and increased to 551 MJ/m2 with N, and when irrigated was 816 MJ/m2 and further increased to 1005 MJ/m2 with N. The rate and duration changed, indicating the capacity of the crop to capture light depended on the changes in pigment protein complexes, directly linked to development of the GAI as a process of leaf development and expansion. The maximum GAI was affected by the main effects of water and N where GAI increased from 2.14 to 3.49 m2/m2 with water and from 2.48 to 3.14 m2/m2 with N application. In the contribution of RUE to grain yield, SLN was a key factor connecting leaf N concentration to DM production. The SLN was 1.23 g N/m2 at 905 °Cd in all the crops, however, dissecting the canopy into cohorts, SLN varied. The main section of the canopy that supplied assimilates directly to ear development was the mid-cohort. This cohort was affected by both water and N, increasing SLN from 1.43 to 2.39 g N/m2 with water and from 1.46 to 2.37 g N/m2 with N. The changes at cohort levels were explained by GAI as parameter relating to canopy development and the allocation of N within the leaf, and light penetration through the hierarchical canopy arrangement. The amount of water used to produce the given yield in Experiment 2 depended on crop water use which was converted to WUE. Only the crop under irrigation and N was efficiently converting water to DM at 47 kg DM/mm of water. The WUE for the rainfed crops was 17.9 kg DM/mm and did not differ from the irrigated crop without N which had a WUE of 25.7 kg DM/ha/mm. Leaf and canopy photosynthesis has led to improvements in crop DM and yield through enhanced DM partitioning. In depth understanding into elements of SLN is essential for estimation of the SLN throughout the cropping season. The future of crop improvement strategies is dependent on maximising the leaf and canopy photosynthesis and converting DM accumulation into yield benefits.
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