Farmers' responses to economic restructuring in Hurunui and Clutha Counties: preliminary analysis of survey data
Primary production is undergoing rapid changes at the present
tilne and there are two broad areas where these changes have an impact.
The first and most immediate impact is on farmers themselves as they
seek to adjust to a new economic order. The second impact is on the
character of the structure of agriculture. Decisions taken now by
individual farmers add up to longer term changes in the overall
character of the pri mary producti on industry. The AERU contri butes to
understanding primary production by undertaking research which focuses
on these two types of changes.
A topic of immediate concern is farmers' responses to economic
restructuring. In this research report Dr Fairweather begins the
process of studying changes in primary production by reporting the
results of a survey of farmers in Hurunui and Clutha counties
undertaken in August/September 1986. The report gives a general
overview of farmers responses and includes data on financial situation
in conjunction with attitudes, needs, and approach to farming.