
Silages and hay - Production and use : Animal Industries Workshop, May-June 1996

Edited Volume
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the use of balages, silages and hays, not only as a supplement to pasture, but to enhance production at key times of the year. The quality of a silage or hay used will have a profound effect on whether it meets the particular feeding objectives set. To bring together latest technology in the making and use of silages and hays it was decided to hold an Animal Industries Workshop where the latest "state of the art" technology about making and use of silages and hays would be presented and participants would work with the information in interaction sessions applying it to their own on-farm experience. This booklet published the papers presented at the Workshop given by leading scientists and technologists in their field. In addition to staff of the Animal and Veterinary Sciences Group at Lincoln University - authors of papers include: Dr Cled Thomas, Head of the department of Grassland and Ruminant Science, Scottish Agricultural College; Ayr, Scotland. Dr Colin Holmes, Reader in Animal Science, Massey University, Palmerston North. Mr Norm Thomson, Dairy Research Corporation, Hamilton. Dr Terry Hughes, Farmwise Consultant, Livestock Improvement Service, Lincoln. The Organising Committee acknowledge the financial assistance given from the Visiting Technologist Scheme, Ministry of Research, Science and Technology to bring Dr Thomas to New Zealand.
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