The effect of floral resources on the leafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron)(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in selected New Zealand vineyards
Fields of Research
In this study, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and alyssum (Lobularia
maritima (L.)) flowers were used to examine the effect of floral resources on the efficacy
of the leafroller parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron) in vineyards. This was
done by assessing the influence of these flowers on parasitoid abundance and parasitism
rate, and by investigating the consequences of this for leafroller abundance. In laboratory
experiments, alyssum flowers were used to investigate the effect of floral food on the
longevity, fecundity and sex ratio of D. tasmanica.
Dolichogenidea tasmanica comprised more than 95 % of parasitoids reared from field collected
leafrollers in this study. The abundance of D. tasmanica during the 1999-2000
growing season was very low compared with previous studies, possibly due to the very low
abundance of its leafroller hosts during the experiment. The number of males of this
species on yellow sticky traps was increased (although not significantly) when buckwheat
flowers were planted in a Marlborough vineyard; however, the number of female D.
tasmanica on traps was no greater with flowers than without. The abundance of another
leafroller parasitoid, Glyptapanteles demeter (Wilkinson)(Hymenoptera: Braconidae), on
traps was also not significantly affected by the presence of buckwheat flowers, although
females of this species were caught in greater numbers in the control than in buckwheat
Naturally-occurring leafrollers were collected from three vineyard sites in Marlborough,
and one in Canterbury during the 2000-2001 season to assess the effect of buckwheat and
alyssum flowers on parasitism rate. Parasitism rate more than doubled in the presence of buckwheat at one of the Marlborough vineyards, but alyssum had no effect on parasitism
rate in Canterbury. A leafroller release/recover method, used when naturally-occurring
leafrollers were too scarce to collect, was unable to detect any effect of buckwheat or
alyssum on parasitism rate. Mean parasitism rates of approximately 20 % were common in
Marlborough, although rates ranged from 0 % to 45 % across the three vineyard sites in
that region. In Canterbury in April, mean parasitism rates were approximately 40 %
(Chapter 4). Rates were higher on upper canopy leaves (40-60 %) compared with lower
canopy leaves and bunches (0-25 %).
Leafroller abundance was apparently not affected by the presence of buckwheat in
Marlborough, or alyssum in Canterbury. Buckwheat did, however, significantly reduce the
amount of leafroller evidence (webbed leafroller feeding sites on leaves or in bunches) in
Marlborough, suggesting that the presence of these flowers may reduce leafroller
populations. Leafrollers infested less than 0.1 % of Cabernet Sauvignon leaves throughout
the 1999-2000 growing season, but increased in abundance in bunches to infest a
maximum of 0.5 % of bunches in late March in Marlborough. In Pinot Noir vines in the
2000-2001 season, leafroller abundance was also low, although sampling was not
conducted late in the season when abundance reaches a peak. In Riesling vines in
Canterbury, between 1.5 % and 2.5 % of bunches were infested with leafrollers in April.
In the laboratory, alyssum flowers significantly increased the longevity and lifetime
fecundity of D. tasmanica compared with a no-flower treatment. However, daily fecundity
was not increased by the availability of food, suggesting that the greater lifetime fecundity
was related to increases in longevity. Parasitoids were also able to obtain nutrients from
whitefly honeydew, which resulted in similar longevity and daily fecundity to those when
alyssum flowers were present.
The availability of food had a significant effect on the offspring sex ratio of D. tasmanica.
Parasitoids reared from naturally-occurring leafrollers produced an equal sex ratio,
assumed to be the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for this species. In the laboratory,
this ESS was observed only when parasitoids had access to alyssum flowers. Without food,
or with honeydew only, sex ratios were strongly male-biased. In the field, floral resources
affected the sex ratio of D. tasmanica only when this species was reared from leafrollers
released and recovered in Marlborough. In that experiment, buckwheat shifted the sex ratio in favour of female production from the equal sex ratio found in control plots. No firm
explanations can be given to account for these results, due to a lack of research in this area.
Possible mechanisms for the changes in sex ratio with flowers are discussed.
This study demonstrated that flowers are an important source of nutrients for D. tasmanica,
influencing the longevity, fecundity and offspring sex ratio of this species. However, only
some of the field experiments were able to show any positive effect of the provision of
floral resources on parasitoid abundance or parasitism rate. More information is needed on
the role these parasitoids, and other natural enemies, play in regulating leafroller
populations in New Zealand vineyards, and on how they use floral resources in the field,
before recommendations can be made regarding the adoption of this technology by
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