Autumn production and water use of caucasian and white clover pastures with or without ryegrass: A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours At Lincoln University New Zealand
The autumn production and water use of Caucasian and white clover pastures with or without ryegrass were examined at Lincoln University from late summer to mid winter 2003. Dry matter (DM) production and botanical composition were measured from 18 January to 16 July and water use from 5 March until 22 July. Pasture species were analysed for foliar nutritive content.
Irrigated swards produced 101 % more total DM (3290 kgDM/ha) than did unirrigated swards (1640 kgDM/ha) from 18 January to 16 July 2003. Dry matter production was greater in Caucasian clover (Trifolim ambiguum M. Bieb) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) swards in late summer (1740 kgDM/ha) compared to white clover (T. repens L.) and ryegrass (1020 kgDM/ha). Swards of white clover and ryegrass had increased production in the winter period (910 kgDM/ha) over Caucasian clover with ryegrass (530 kgDM/ha). This was due to increased ryegrass growth in the white clover swards. No differences in yield between the pure clover species occurred during the experimental period. Caucasian clover with ryegrass had an increased legume proportion in both dryland (58 % ) and irrigated (70 % ) swards in late summer compared with white clover and ryegrass (33 and 28% ). Clover composition declined in both species to be below 10 % in July. Water content in dryland Caucasian clover swards (276 mm) was significantly less than dryland white clover swards (319 mm) to a soil depth of 1.5 m. Pure Caucasian clover had a greater water extraction depth of 1.55 m compared with 1.35 min pure white clover swards, this indicates a deeper root system of Caucasian clover. Nutritive analysis showed Caucasian clover had low sodium levels (0.04 % ) compared to white clover (0.24 %) and ryegrass (0.29 %). Caucasian clover has been shown to be more competitive and productive with ryegrass in the summer period compared with white clover. Low winter productivity of Caucasian clover results in reduced cool season production and Caucasian clover and ryegrass swards.
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