
Horticultural management - Financial planning

Financial planning is an essential function of the business manager. While none of the financial planning techniques are mathematically difficult, the role of those techniques in integrating the numerous business functions and describing their inter-relationships often gives the appearance of complexity. The purpose of this manual is to present instructional material and worked examples on financial planning techniques in a clear and structured manner. This manual will be complemented by individual study guides for each of the six sections in the course. These will state the educational objectives for each section and questions and exercises that must be done to show understanding and mastery of those stated objectives. It is not intended that this manual replace the desirability of attending lectures and tutorials or to take additional notes as appropriate. In fact, the manual layout has been designed to permit and encourage supplementary note-taking. Further explanation of topics, together with detailed examples will be given in lectures to elaborate on the content of the manual. The references or readings cited should be read to provide a broadened appreciation of the study topics.
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