Different approach to staffing in the dairy industry
I believe the New Zealand dairy industry is being compromised by
understaffing on farms, especially larger units of 600 cows or more. This has
become a significantly greater problem in the last 10 years and specifically
in the South Island with larger farm sizes and cow numbers rapidly
increasing. As the dairy industry grows to maintain this growth it must attract and retain
people within the industry. To do this the dairy industry must compete with
other industries for people available and must become an industry of choice
(acirrt 2004). NewCo Dexcel, (Tim MackIe pers.com) has highlighted that a major
problem in lifting on farm productivity is the reluctance of average farmers
to uptake new and already available science and technology. I believe that a
major reason for this is that your average farmer has not got the time
available to look at and implement these systems.
This discussion paper looks at a course of action not readily taken up by the
industry. That is, increasing staffing levels.
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